Sendmail Report - [csv]
 HourIdSenderSizeSender RelayRecipients Status Rule
12025-02-04 18:50:56FaKeHAysLT9i4NlPi2fU@localhost Client host rejected cannot find your reverse hostname, reject
22025-02-04 19:06:00FaKeW6YyHx9mCtEOfgjq@localhost Client host rejected cannot find your reverse hostname, reject
32025-02-04 19:21:03FaKeTTIGNB8sN4qpMNom@localhost Client host rejected cannot find your reverse hostname, reject
42025-02-04 19:36:07FaKewHveacuqGUMidveY@localhost Client host rejected cannot find your reverse hostname, reject
52025-02-04 19:51:12FaKezKP6YMWHRuhNFAmm@localhost Client host rejected cannot find your reverse hostname, reject
62025-02-04 20:06:17FaKeIuFWobbKuBM4MwEA@localhost Client host rejected cannot find your reverse hostname, reject
72025-02-04 20:21:21FaKedrzVVdMbyK8qYDbL@localhost Client host rejected cannot find your reverse hostname, reject
82025-02-04 20:36:25FaKenoIuMuGndSSXQpsR@localhost Client host rejected cannot find your reverse hostname, reject
92025-02-04 20:51:29FaKeb89yWW9caI67R8zi@localhost Client host rejected cannot find your reverse hostname, reject
102025-02-04 21:06:34FaKeREPdn1Mx1pjsyQMf@localhost Client host rejected cannot find your reverse hostname, reject
112025-02-04 21:21:40FaKeuMFAFe2tUfd4oInk@localhost Client host rejected cannot find your reverse hostname, reject
122025-02-04 21:36:48FaKeSdYzFGVNcIGEDcRz@localhost Client host rejected cannot find your reverse hostname, reject
132025-02-04 21:51:51FaKeKk5QWzRFAxRtbkR8@localhost Client host rejected cannot find your reverse hostname, reject
142025-02-04 22:06:56FaKeXWwgItBE9KQXTtJr@localhost Client host rejected cannot find your reverse hostname, reject
152025-02-04 22:22:01FaKepz0Ilk6OTR6p9whz@localhost Client host rejected cannot find your reverse hostname, reject
162025-02-04 22:37:05FaKe7MnwZLiZK8FgH31H@localhost Client host rejected cannot find your reverse hostname, reject
172025-02-04 22:52:08FaKegATDSfjNh1Ymf8JC@localhost Client host rejected cannot find your reverse hostname, reject
182025-02-04 23:07:15FaKeMYnKVLb2O0blFzL5@localhost Client host rejected cannot find your reverse hostname, reject
192025-02-04 23:22:18FaKeFFTEigJ2ZZxFB7Bh@localhost Client host rejected cannot find your reverse hostname, reject
202025-02-04 23:37:22FaKe3brZMLAb4r1q7a7H@localhost Client host rejected cannot find your reverse hostname, reject
212025-02-04 23:52:26FaKelXYfggnbq7jwpSXR@localhost Client host rejected cannot find your reverse hostname, reject
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